About Us

Custom Automated Systems Pte Ltd was incorporated in 2008 in the Republic of Singapore and focuses on invention commercialisation. We are currently beta testing various legal and financial technology applications which were developed in house.

We welcome opportunities to collaborate with local technopreneurs to bring their ideas from paper to patent and thereafter, the market.

Our Managing Director

Mr Wilson Foo

Wilson brings multifaried expertise to the Board of Custom Automated Systems Pte Ltd. He is qualified as an Advocate and Solicitor (i.e. lawyer) of the Supreme Court of Singapore as well as a Mediator with the Singapore Mediation Centre. He holds an LLB cum laude and BSc (Information Systems) cum laude from Singapore Management University, BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University and a MSc with Merit (Professional Accountancy) from the University of London (under the academic direction of University College London).

Preferred Financial Consultant

Ms Lynn Kiyomi Tan

Ms Lynn Kiyomi Tan from Financial Alliance Pte Ltd is our company's preferred financial consultant. Find out more at https://fa.com.sg/lynntan or email her at lynntan@fapl.sg.

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