The COVID-19 Game

AndroidThe Viral Game
WindowsMicrosoft StoreInstaller
Browser extensionsFirefoxChrome
Web (including iPhone & iPad)Play Online

We have now added in Vaccination! You can boost the attack of your white blood cells against the viruses by vaccinating with mRNA!

Humanity is facing an unprecedented threat. The world is plagued by invisible enemies, namely, the unholy trinity of SARS, MERS & COVID-19. The people of the world are uniting like never before to battle the evil forces of the Viruses.

You are the leader of the red & white blood cells in the body. You must command the blood cells well to defeat the viruses of SARS, MERS & COVID-19. Your life depends on it! You will be given some time to prepare before the Viruses invade the body. Once they start invading the body, destroy all Viruses to win.

The COVID-19 Game is known as The Viral Game on Android due to Google Play's current policy of not allowing apps containing the keyword "COVID-19" to be published unless they are developed by government organisations.

By using and continuing to use this software, you agree unequivocally to all the terms, all of which are conditions, contained in the Licence Agreement. If you disagree with the Licence Agreement or any part thereof, cease & desist from using this software immediately.

We are proud to have been awarded Honourable Mention #1 in the Quasar Hack-a-May competition!

We were also selected to present, and successfully presented, The COVID-19 Game / The Viral Game at the inaugural Quasar Conference!

You can also view the entire video of the Quasar Conference.

Please contact us for any enquiries.

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